Saturday, October 24, 2015

There was an Old Woman...

View from home
It is now a week since I returned home and I am already getting back into every day life. It has been very strange not getting on my bike each morning but as the weather has been so nice, I have been able to go out for some rides.
Below is a list that might be of interest, the first being the most important but otherwise in no particular order.
56 toilets achieved so far (and still aiming for 60)

1666 miles cycled
I can't count the number of wonderful and generous people I met
50 days away from home
3 travel days
7 days off
40 cycling days
43 different beds
Countless coffees drunk
3 or 4 dairy free cakes
Numerous bacon butties
8 ferries
1 flat tyre
1 new inner tube
1 set of new gears (worth every penny)
3 half days of rain when I was soaked through
Lots of sunny days
1 book carried that I never even opened
0 falls from bike
6 times the bike fell over
5 flies swallowed (I’m sure there a song about that!)
View from the kitchen
The trip has been a fantastic experience. The kindness and  generosity of so many people has made it extra special and something I will always remember.
A special thanks to all who have supported me -
  All who sponsored me
  The children of Lochdon Primary school who cheered me on my way
  Those who hosted me for the night
  All who cycled with me
  Everyone who left comments on the blog or who emailed me
  Those who greeted me on my return
  My long suffering husband Richard
  My brother John who kept my blog updated
  Seren from Toilet Twinning for the media publicity
All our efforts will be so appreciated by the recipients of the toilets, which will undoubtedly improve the quality of life for so many.

I will post again in a few days to keep you updated on the target of twinning 60 loos. I still really hope to get there.


  1. Wow! That first list is something else - it makes me feel tired just reading it! Well done again for sticking with it :-)
    Love M xxx

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