Saturday, August 29, 2015

A Long Journey Made Shorter

I woke early to a bright morning but by the time I was ready to leave it was pouring with rain. I decided to take a different route to the station along the Clyde in the hope that it would be easier to find my way rather than through the city. Once I found the cycle route it was fairly straightforward and I reached the station in ample time, if rather wet.
A man with his dog kindly helped me to load my bike on the train and once it was secured I found my seat and then changed from my wet clothes.
I had thought about travelling First Class as it was such a long journey, but I’m so glad I didn't as I would not have met the many lovely people who were travelling in my carriage. I would particularly like to thank Dimetri a young lad travelling with his Nan and Grandpa who helped to make my journey so enjoyable and pass quickly.
This trip is not just about cycling it's also about all the wonderful people I will meet on the way. 

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