Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Great British Bike Off!

Day whatever (I've lost track!) 9th September
Today I had intended to ride to Bedford, but things seemed to be conspiring against me. Firstly I couldn't find anywhere to stay, but decided to head there anyway and sort it out when I arrived.
I was very slow packing up and loading my bike. The thought of not having a bed for the night made me feel uneasy. By about 10.15 I was finally ready to leave.
I always check my tyres and brakes before I set off and this time discovered that my front tyre was flat. Before leaving Exeter the valve had been damaged but the tyre seemed to stay inflated so I had carried on but had been keeping an eye on it. I now needed to sort it and decided to  change the tube. At least I wasn't by the side of the road!
I found my tools and a spare inner tube took the wheel off then got the new tube out of the box only to discover it wouldn't fit. Fortunately before I left Mull I had been given a gift that included another tube with the correct valve (thanks everyone at MICT). Once replaced and re-inflated  I went to put the wheel back on the bike only to discover that I had put the tyre on the wrong way round so needed to change it again! By this time I had cycled 0 miles and had no bed to look forward to so decided not to cycle to Bedford today. It was more important to go into town and buy two new spare inner tubes. Tomorrow I will cycle to Papworth and by pass Bedford altogether!
Still I do like to look on the bright side of life. I could now watch The Great British Bake Off!


  1. Oh what a morning! Not knowing where I would be sleeping would make me uneasy too, I am not surprised you were slow getting going. I hope you've had a better day today x

  2. What a frustrating day for you (love your title), but you seem to have handled it with great panache.............and you got to watch a great British programme! Today has been a gorgeous day (back to summer) - hope you've had a wonderful cycling in a great British summer. I look forward to your next episode :-)
