Tuesday, August 25, 2015

There's too much to do

Not sure why I'm sitting here writing the blog when I still have lots to do before setting off in the morning. 

I have spent today doing last minute washing so at least I will start the tour clean. I've even cleaned the bike! 

I'm looking forward to the trip although I am feeling a bit apprehensive at the moment, but with all the support I've had from so many people and the generous donations to Toilet Twinning I'm spurred on.


  1. You're off! Well done! Have a good night in Glasgow x

  2. Glad to see you have taken the compass part out of a Silva compass

  3. Good luck Mally. Hopefully I will get to see you somewhere along the route and cheer you on x

  4. Hi Mally
    I see that you have what looks like a thermos strapped to your bike. Good idea. Jacob & I always tour with a thermos now. It makes hot drinks so much betterand tea is an essential component of any cycle tour. I'm a late-comer to your blog, Gilly told me about it, but I will catch up now.
