Sunday, August 23, 2015

Too much STUFF!

I have been very busy this week trying to get everything ready for my trip. l  only have three days left before I head south. I’ve managed a couple of rides this week, once to Salen and another up Glen More.
Simon serviced my bike for me on Monday and he suggested I needed some new break pads and cables. So that meant a trip to Oban yesterday to the bike shop where l also bought a few other bits and bobs that I thought I might need.
This morning was another trip to Oban this time to get my hair cut, it's nice and short now (less weight to carry) and should now be okay until I return home.
The spare bed is now covered with STUFF that I think I will need, but I'm not sure it will all fit into two panniers so I might have to weed some of it out!
Off to work now for my last day for six or maybe eight weeks.


  1. Like the photo! How exciting to think the adventure starts tomorrow.

  2. Good luck Mally, hope all goes well. Looking forward to seeing you soon. I've been packing my bags too and know what you mean about too much stuff. I'm wondering how I can fit it all in!!! See you by the green creature! :-)
