Saturday, August 29, 2015

I'm Off!

Day 1 Distance 27.62 miles
After a wonderful cooked breakfast I headed off on my bike to Lands End along the coast cycle path to Mousehole. Once I left the coast path the road became lined with high hedges and rather hilly. I had to resort to pushing my bike some of the time. But that did have it's own rewards as I found some of the sweetest blackberries I have ever tasted.
Lands End was as busy as I had expected and rather like a theme park. Having had my picture taken at the signpost I found the hotel and registered as one of the End to Enders and then beat a hasty retreat to a small cafe I had spotted on the way down where I enjoyed a lovely lunch which included a piece of carrot cake.
Once refueled I returned to Penzance in time for some vital food shopping and  then I headed back to the Bed and Breakfast to catch up on three days of blogs and sort out my bags for tomorrow.

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