Saturday, August 29, 2015

Fond Farewells

The first loo!

Finally I'm heading for the great unknown. I stood outside in the garden early this morning, the smell of autumn in the air and only the sound of a curlew calling and thought about how many different sights, sounds and smells I would be waking up to over the next few weeks.
I left home at 9.30 so I could pay a flying visit to Lochdon primary school to talk to the children about the tour and Toilet Twinning. I was made very welcome and the children are now going to follow my route through my blog. After a couple of photographs they gave me a lovely send off and waved me on my way. I'm sure that was what powdered me up the hill.

I arrived in Craignure to be greeted and seen off with good wishes from friends on Mull.
Richard came with me to Oban where I did some last minute shopping. We then enjoyed a hot smoked salmon sandwiches on the quayside. It was then time to head for the station where Richard assisted me onto the train with my bike and waved me on my way.
It seems hard to believe I will not be sleeping in my own bed for at least 6 weeks!

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