Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Carrying Heavy Bags is a Piece of Cake

Day 18 Winterton-on-Sea
No pictures today so here is another picture taken from the lovely Ness Point.
I sat and watched the rain as I ate a very hearty breakfast, well how could I pass on a full English breakfast, I am cycling! I hoped that by the time I was ready to leave it would have stopped, it hadn't. So I found my waterproof trousers for the first time this trip and put them on.
For the first 30 or so miles I was cycling on A and B roads and although they weren't busy there was a lot of surface water, so not only was I getting wet from above I was also being soaked from the side.
I try and stop for a coffee each morning after I have been on the road for about a couple of hours, so when I arrived at Coltishall and found a cafe called A Piece of Cake, I had to stop. I ordered a black coffee and asked for a dairy free cake. They had nothing. Good job I had a chunk of fruit cake in my bag!
Having had my coffee and taken my over trousers off I continued on my way and of course it started to rain again.
I had arranged to meet Cath for lunch at Cawston. While Cath parked the car I headed for the church porch, always a good bet when it is raining. Cath arrived with three bags, almost as much as I was was carrying for my whole trip. We ate our lunch and I hoped that Cath would produce a cake from one of her bags but sadly she didn't.  Good job I had another chunk of fruit cake in my bag!
I continued on my ride through Norfolk. If anyone tells you that Norfolk is flat don't believe them, it's not. My knees will tell you a completely different story! Yesterday John had been talking to me about changing my gears for some lower ones and as I rode up the hills I started to fantasize about how soon I might be able to do this. Maybe I'll take a day off in York as I think there is a good bike shop there.
I arrived safely in Fakenham and tomorrow is another day off.


  1. Hooray! You're here! It is so good to see you xxx

  2. ...............aaahhh, but I did produce a good cake at the end of the day which I'd made for you completely dairy and soya free!!! It was good to join you for a couple of days (Cornwall and Norfolk) and I'm only sorry I won't be able to join you for more. Your journey sounds great fun although a little hard work. Enjoy the rest of it, you're homeward bound! :-)

  3. Do you often carry hunks of cake around with you? That's a brilliant idea! I'll get my Mum to make me some emergency cake...
    You're doing brilliantly- according to your map at the side of the blog, you've got about ten centimetres left to go!

  4. You've done quite a chunk of the journey now Mally. Hope the rest of the journey isn't quite so cake-free! Fi n Pauline xx
