Monday, September 7, 2015

Home from home

Day 9 Saturday 5th September Bath to Malmesbury
Malmesbury Abbey

My intention was to ride to Cirencester, about 33 miles and then find a place to stay when I arrived. As I would be passing through Malmesbury I decided to phone a friend who I had worked with many years ago and suggest meeting for a coffee. But she was going to Bath for the day and I was heading out of Bath. When I told her what I was doing she offered me a bed for the night, such a generous offer, and why would I refuse? This would mean an easy day, something that really appealed to me after such a long ride yesterday.
Getting out of Bath wasn't going to be easy. Route finding was not the problem, but which ever way you leave Bath it’s up hill!
Once at the top it was a pleasant ride along part of the Fosse Way. I even stopped for tea and lunch at a farm that was in the middle of nowhere. I took the opportunity to use the toilet and wow what a toilet, a very old porcelain toilet that was  decorated inside and out with blue flowers, the wash basin was an antique bowl and a jug of water. Sorry no picture of this loo.
It's just like being at home!
Journeys end for the day was in Malmesbury a lovely town with an abbey that had a fantastic Norman archway.  When I arrived at Jean's house I unloading my bike, had a quick cup of tea and then headed back with my friends to the town as it was carnival. The Scottish pipers in kilts, made me think of home and all the children at Lochdon Primary school. I have included this picture especially for you all. Perhaps you can find Malmesbury on your map.


  1. Hi Mally, Hope everything is going well and that you haven't fallen off your bike yet! How many toilets can you buy now? Lets hope you get to 60 or more. Thank you for the pipe band picture. We are thinking of you and are watching your travels across the UK. We are waiting for you to make it East next. Good luck. From Lochdonhead Primary School. 'Hip, hip hooray!' :-)

  2. What a nice day after your difficult day on Friday. I'm glad you got to meet up with your friends down there. Looking forward to seeing you when you make it East 😊 we're following your route on our map, you have sped up a lot since leaving Cornwall! X
