Wednesday, September 30, 2015

I've got a husband!

Day 33 Falkirk to Callander 33.19 miles

Today would be the complete opposite to yesterday, there would be a lot of map

reading as I had to go through Falkirk and Stirling and I was now approaching the Trossacks so would have plenty of hills. Fortunately the night before Richard and I had looked at cycle street, (an app that showed cycle routes). He then kindly printed the route off for me.

Christmas has arrived in Stirling
It was very clear and I cycled through both towns without any problem but I did go slightly wrong as I approached the A84. I had to get across the motorway and the Forth river. The route passed through a car park were there was two possibilities, I only saw one, a car was parked in front of the other. So I took my bike over a very narrow bridge only just wide enough for my bike. On the far side there was a flight of steps as there was no room to turn the bike I bumped it down the steps hoping that it was the right way. I soon  discovered it wasn't and returned to the bridge. There was no way I could  get the bike up the steps without unloading it first, then carrying everything up the steps and reloading it, this was extremely difficult in the small space. Once back in the car park the car that had obscured the correct way had moved and I could clearly see the path that took me under the motorway.
Revived with lunch I continued the rest of the day without any problems and arrived in Callander by 3.30 where met up with Richard (my husband), who was joining me as back up for a few days.

Forth Bridge
Path beside the Forth river and under the motorway

1 comment:

  1. Horray, your husband has arrived - hope you have a wonderful few days together. You've got some stunning views ahead of you, oh and maybe a few hills. Have loads of fun in the coming days :-) xx
