Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Makeup and a free butty

York - Thornton le Moor 43.97 miles

Before leaving York Bronwen took me to Cycle Heaven, a cycle shop not far from the house, as I had decided to buy a mirror for the bike. Not, as Richard suggested to do my make up as I rode along, but to see behind me as I had become increasing aware that I couldn't see when car were approaching.

A Twinned loo - note the photo at the top
When we arrived we were told that they weren't open until midday but as I wanted to be on the road this wouldn't be of much use to me. However when  the owner was told about my trip he took the bike in and kindly fitted the mirror for me.

Bronwen then kindly joined me for the first couple of miles through the city. We said our good bye's and I headed north, as I did so the rain which had started as we had left the house got steadily worse. Once again not only was I being rain on from above but was also being sprayed by every passing car and lorry. It wasn't long before I was soaked through and I realised that the waterproofs I was wearing weren't waterproof.
I decided that when I had cycled 15 miles I would look for somewhere to have a coffee, I kept spotting large signs in the distance that I thought might be garden centre but they were all places selling paving slaps or logs. A couple of miles further on I finally found a garden centre only to be told 'we did have a café but it closed a year ago.

About another four miles further on at the little village of Raskelf I finally saw a small sign which said village shop and cafe. I peddled faster through the village but there was no sign of the said café with a sinking heart I approach the end of the street and just as I was about to turn round I saw another sign directing me down a track to The Purple Partridge. The owners were lovely people who were happy for me to sit and steam, and drip all over the floor for the next hour while I drank two cups of coffee and of course a bacon butty, and then refused payment. Thank you.

By the time I had left The Purple Partridge the rain had eased a bit and the roads became quieter so less spray. But I can't tell you much about the scenery as my head was either down or looking in the mirror (but not doing my make up).

As I arrived at Thornton le Moor the sun was shinning and it was hard to believe that it had been such an awful morning.


  1. It's been horrible weather the last 2 days and I've been thinking of you. Bacon butties certainly help in such weather and cake is the perfect end to a wet, soggy day - hope you've still been finding plenty of those! You're doing great and I think some good weather is waiting for you in Scotland! :-)

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